I was born in Szombathely, in this calm and peaceful city. I lived there until the age of 18. In these years many good opportunities came my way to convince me to become an actress.

At the age of 9 I sang a children's solo with the teacher's training university choir. This solo was written by Zoltan Kodaly. I participated in many competitions and choir festivals in Hungary and abroad as well, but at that time it was just a game for me. In the meantime I learned to play the piano and the violin in the music school which helped to train my ear for perfect pitch and I became a serious music student in the Conservatory. I realized my love of music and my desire to make it my career.

I furthered my musical art education at the Debrecen University of Art and Music where I received my diploma in voice and vocal performance. My first real theatre appearance connected to my academic studies was in the Csokonai Theatre Choir. For me it was a lot of fun and adventure and what's more we were compensated for our talent. This choir was continuously invited to perform the great, breathtaking operas of Puccini, Verdi, Mascagni and operettas written by Kálmán and Lehár, one more beautiful than the other. Living through these experiences I now decided that my future career would be in the theatre.

Just after receiving my university degree I was hired by the Misloci National Theatre and entered into a contract as a soloist and an actress.

Wonderful years were ahead. I played operas and prosaical leading roles too, but truly I was the most familiar
with the world of the operettas. Everything is there, that an actress and a soloist desire, amazing arias,music, dance, etc.

I was invited in many other theatres too, which was a great honour, experience and challenge.

As a freelance music artist, I have performed in many different
roles and in many concerts. At the present, I sing
frequently at the concerts of the Interoperett
in the Belvárosi Theatre. In recent years I took part in many tours and concerts abroad, from America to Israel
and from Austria to Germany.

I hope I will meet You soon at one of my performances or concerts!

In the meantime, I wish you well, and furthermore to have
a peaceful and happy life:


Ibolya Nagy